Congo Restoration Sewing Kits
We are collecting items for sewing kits that will be presented to the graduates of the sewing school through Congo Restoration. These sewing kits provide an opportunity for these young women to begin their careers. In August, our Friday Night Faith kids will be putting together these sewing kits as a part of their lessons for helping the stranger. We are hoping to collect items for 40 sewing kits. Please consider bringing the supplies for a sewing kit to the Narthex during the month of July. Click here to view our Amazon wish list!
sewing kits includes:
  • Scissors (the kind that can be used left- or right-handed)
  • Two high-quality spools of thread 
  • Measuring tape
  • Set of sewing needles
  • Box of pins
  • Pin cushion
  • Sewing gauge
  • Seam ripper
  • Set of bobbins


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