We believe music is a form of ministry all its own. If you want to get involved, join us! Whatever your gifts, there is a place for you here.
Our music is classic…with a twist. Our ensembles present music from the classical canon, jazz, gospel, spirituals, the Taize & Iona traditions as well as newly composed music. You’ll often see our staff and members performing vocal and instrumental solos. We love offering a variety of styles to accompany worship.
Chancel Choir: The flagship of our Northridge music ministry, the Chancel Choir rehearses in the Music Suite on Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30 p.m., and sings every Sunday during the program year at the 11:00 a.m. sanctuary worship service, rehearsing on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. The Chancel Choir is open to youth and adults.
Outdoor Worship Band: This ensemble leads 9:00 a.m. outdoor worship service and is composed of singers and instrumentalists who present music from folk, popular, global, praise & worship traditions. We worship with voices, keyboards, guitars, percussion … and whatever else you have!
One & Done Choir: Our One & Done Choir meets on the last Sunday of the month (except for December and May) and is open to anyone and everyone. We meet in the Music Suite on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m., learn the music for the day, lead worship, and … that’s it! Links to the music will be available in the newsletter the Friday prior. Our motto is: No Robes … No Commitment … Just Worship!
Chancel Bells: Our Chancel Bells rehearse on Sundays from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in the Music Suite and play four to five times during the year in the 11:00 a.m. sanctuary worship service. We play music with full ensemble, small groups, and sometimes just a few ringers will join with the One & Done Choir to add a little color to the choral offerings. We are always looking for new ringers!
Children’s Choir: Our Northridge Children’s Choir is open to all children, ages 2 through sixth grade. The Children’s Choir leads in worship service three to four times during the year. We rehearse on Sundays from 9:40-10:00 a.m. in room #112.
Concerts: The city of Dallas has a vibrant music and arts scene, with many performing artists and ensembles who are always looking for a new place to perform. Our sanctuary is acoustically primed for chamber choirs and smaller instrumental ensembles who wish to present a program in a sacred space. We work closely with local and out-of-town musicians in promoting their events and supporting them in sharing their talents with our church community and our neighbors.