The Northridge Youth ministry is a special place where 7th-12th graders can come together to spend quality time with friends, serve others, and have conversations about faith and how it relates to their lives. The Northridge Youth are inclusive, unified, welcoming, fun, thoughtful, and respectful. There are multiple ways youth can participate in this ministry, and some are listed below. 

Youth Group: The Northridge Youth Group meets for special events each month such as mission projects, pool parties, fellowship time, and more. 

Youth Sunday Morning Connection: The youth are invited to ask hard-hitting questions for Christians today. How do science and religion work together? Why do some religious people not like science? How are we the same as other denominations and how are we different? Each week, the teens are in for a treat with guest speakers, custom Jeopardy games, and weekly breakfast. 

Youth Mission Trip: Every summer, the youth go on a weeklong trip to serve and learn from people around the world. This year, the youth served with the Appalachian Service Project in Kentucky. This dedicated group of teens helped repair and lay the groundwork for a tin roof, replaced a band joist, and built a deck. All of these were done for homeowners that the teens and adults got to build relationships with.

Camps and Conferences: Northridge participates in various camps and conferences throughout the school year and summer. We have traveled to Camp Gilmont, Mo Ranch, Synod Youth Workshop, and others. These events give us the opportunity to connect with other Presbyterians throughout the region.

Contact: If you have any questions about the youth ministry at Northridge or just want to learn more about it, email our Parish Associate for Community, Rev. Rebecca Chancellor Sicks at
