At Northridge Presbyterian Church, we believe that the church is a gift that everyone deserves to enjoy. The church is a community of people who are committed to doing life together – enduring life’s heartaches and celebrating life’s joys, seeking out laughter, pursuing a more just world, and following the path Jesus set out for us. If you think Northridge may be that community for you, please reach out to Rev. Betsy Swetenburg at

Northridge is an open and affirming congregation within the Grace Presbytery of Presbyterian Church (USA). We hope to see you soon!

Questions about worship? Check out our FAQ here.

Places to Know:

Lower Parking Lot — this is where 9:00 a.m. worship takes place (from Labor Day to Memorial Day), as well as many community events.

Sanctuary — join us here for 11:00 a.m. worship (Labor Day to Memorial Day); or 10:00 a.m. worship during the summer.

Narthex — this is the gathering spot just in front of the sanctuary. Catch us here before or after service so we can chat!

Quillin Hall — this is our large fellowship hall directly across from the sanctuary. Many of our community events take place here.

Share Café — this is a spot open for coffee, tea, and catching up! We’d love to meet up with you there.

Interested in joining?  At Northridge, we honor everyone’s baptism and invite everyone to join our church. If you’ve never been baptized and are ready to join Northridge, we’ll ask you to officially join by a Profession of Faith and Baptism.

Members transferring to our church from another will fill out a Transfer of Church letter, and we ask new members not currently active in another church to reaffirm their faith with us.

To inquire about membership, transfer, baptism, confirmation, or to learn more about how to join the Northridge family, email Rev. Betsy Swetenburg at We can’t wait to see you!


Let's Get to Know Each Other!